
Who believes in the Devil?

Proposed by:

A community can be understood to be a group sharing things in common.

The communities where we belong to, even the smallest, are often made up of people we hardly know, even though we come across them almost every day.

Info about the activity:
Activity type:
workshop, lesson, screening
Target group:
Number of meetings:
6 hours

After the screening of the film Aniki Bóbó, by Manoel de Oliveira, there was a debate in the classroom, with students’ questions and answerss, about what a community really is.

As in the excerpt from the film, the children’s doubts were also discussed, talking about the possible destinies of Eduardito and their own lives. The pupils individually prepare questions for a collective game, which aims to get to know themselves, to make themselves known and to get to know each other. They will discover how they are alike and different, and how all this coexists, forming this small community also known as the classroom.

Workshop description:

  1. In class, students analyse and discuss the excerpt from the film Aniki Bóbó, where the characters wonder about Eduardito’s fate, allowing room for issues such as fear, death, the soul and the Devil.
  2. With the help from their teacher, they prepare two questions relating to the film.
  3. The questions, which require a “yes” or “no” answer, are read out loud in the classroom, where each student answering “yes” shall form a group, for example, in front of the classroom blackboard.
  4. Photographs of each answer-group are taken and then printed later. This series of photographs shall now reveal the small communities within the classroom.

To recognise and deepen community relationships.

To encourage collective reflection, the expression of individuality and foster community ties.


Screening of the film in a movie theatre and analysing its excerpts in class.

Collective reflection.

Question and answer game.

Useful material

Activity - Who believes in the Devil
Step-by-step presentation

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